March 2022

March 13, 2022

Dr. Rubik and Dr. Brown, the two authors call for an urgent redress in the epidemiological assessment of and public health policies regarding ambient wireless radiation before 5G wireless infrastructure is fully implemented worldwide.

In a recorded conversation, Dr. Beverly Rubik and Ulrike Granögger , researcher, speak of findings and implications of a significant research paper, including its peer-review process and the obstacles encountered on the way to publication.

Solari Report provides an accesible Part 1 and 2 of the interview, note —Part 2 is accessible to Solari subscribers only—where Beverly and Ulrike explore some of the unanswered questions that are raised by the evidence of a correlation between viral diseases and radiofrequency radiation from 5G, as well as the effects of ambient wireless radiation on DNA, cell membrane voltage, and the future “Internet of Bodies” (IoB).

Ulrike Granögger, is a researcher and lecturer whose work focuses on the connections between science and spirituality. She's a contributing writer for The Solari Report, works for the Academy For Future Science and is a regular speaker at The Conference for Consciousness and Human Evolution gives an interview with Dr. Beverly Rubik, biophysicist and founder of The Institute for Frontier Science, and Dr. Robert Brown, radiologist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, and announces  a recently published a critically important paper analyzing existing evidence for an influence of wireless communication radiation, including 5G, as a toxic environmental factor in the spread and severity of Covid-19.

Both the CDC and WHO assert on their websites that their model for disease causation is the so-called epidemiological triad. According to this model, three interactive factors need to be taken into account in understanding and providing countermeasures to a pandemic:
the agent (the virus),
the underlying health of the host (affected individuals),
and the environment.

In today’s world, radiofrequency radiation from an increasing number of wireless communication devices is a ubiquitous environmental stressor that has been shown to have detrimental effects at all levels—
from DNA mutations to damaged:
  - cells
 - tissues
 - and organs...
including heart and neurological problems.

These adverse health effects and their compounding effect on Covid-19 disease progression have largely been ignored by policymakers.

Link to special interview Part I from Solari Report:

“Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G.”

Link to Ulrike biography:
Researcher Ulrike Granögger has been lecturing for 20 years on perspectives of bringing science and spirituality together based on the best-selling book The Keys of Enoch by J.J. Hurtak.

She has worked with Russian Prof. V.P. Kaznacheev and Dr. A.V. Trofimov of the Institute of Anthropoecology in Novosibirsk and was scientific editor of their English publication (titled Reflections on Life and Intelligence) of experiments on the consciousness effects of the “Kozyrev Mirror” and the epigenetic effects of the “hypo-magnetic chamber”.

Extensive research has been carried out with Hartmut Müller on the interscalar model of the universe that shows a mathematical interconnectedness of all scales of matter-energy, from the cosmological to the biological down to the interactions of subatomic particles.

She has lectured in Cairo, Egypt with the group of Dmitri Pablov (Hypercomplex Systems) looking at the nature of pyramidal spaces.

Ulrike: https://tcche.org/speaker/ulrike-grannoeger/

Dr. Beverly Rubik information:
Journal of Clinical and Translational Research 2021;7(5):666-681

Link to 72 page .pdf:

Peer-review correspondence (72 pages) Institute for Frontier Science at  Dr. Beverly Rubik’s website:

March 9, 2022

Nothing is more powerful than a true story! 

As in this Electric Sense EMF Story, it seems artistic people are often more sensitive than others, who do not have such a well-developed artistically sensitive nervous system. Due to their developed artistic skills, in music, dance-movement and the visual arts, those "sensitives," have more finely developed nervous systems. As artists, they seem to "notice when their lives are being disrupted, for they are less able to be creatively productive."

Too "subtle symptoms," were often dismissed by uninformed medical doctors, in the past, like
1) sleeplessness,
2) subtle pains and headaches, and
3) Irritability,

that finally are increasingly being recognized.

As EMF Canary citizens become more active, the US Social Security Disabilities Division NOW recognized EMF radiation disease as a "certified category of disability," thanks to the work of EMF Canary pioneer’s researchers.

American EMF medical Researcher, Dr. Beatrice Golomb has documented that these "intelligent sensitives and creative population" do seem to be the first to become more aware of the "invisible pollution of EMF radar" from power towers and cell towers near their homes and work places.

We seek to recruit these sensitive and aware people to be our EMF Canary Activists. Dr, Golomb is a member of the Physicians for Safe Technology group. Her Medical Research is highly credible and accepted as solid science for EMF Canaries to now be recognized as "valid sufferers" from "EMField radiation illnesses."

REF: https://mdsafetech.org/beatrice-golomb-md-phd/

https://health.ucsd.edu/news/releases/Pages/2018-08-29-researcher-links-diplomats-mystery-illness-to-radiofrequency-microwave-radiation.aspx ;

(James Beal reported that a similar EMF exposure tactic used against US diplomats happened at the Russian Embassy in Moscow decades ago.)


In the 70's, EMField pioneer researcher for NASA, James Beal developed EMField radiation disease while developing a new way to weld aluminum for the NASA External Tank.

During the inventive process, he was exposed to the 50,000-volt fields pouring negative ions from the welding torch for his innovative welding process. Being from a medical family, Beal was able to track his "radiation burn," thanks to the work of EMField Researcher in Sweden, Dr. Olle Johansson, where a small population with National Medical System, confirmed the existence of "Computer Burn," a condition that looks like "roseola,' with the similar appearance of a "skin burn."

Due to Beal's work for "the need to protect NASA Astronauts" from "cosmic ray exposure when outside the protective stratospheric atmosphere" of our "only home planet," Beal had gathered extensive basic data about EMField exposures.

Much of this basic EMF data is available on his up-dated website, since his passing.

REF: Dr. Olle Johansson:

www.EMFinterface.org Updating James B Beal Website in process.

March 9, 2022

More recently, 100's of medical doctors have gathered to document the "harmful effects of EMField exposure" with many excellent postings, now available to those curious about the invisible pollution of EMField exposures.

www.IEMFA.org, The International ElectoMagnetic Field Alliance.

March 9, 2022

In 2021, EMF Experts gathered at the EMF Conference 2021, hosted online by the Electromagnetic Safety Alliance, Inc.

That prestigious gathering was "designed to bring quality EMF education to both the public and to the healthcare community worldwide, while providing continuing medical education (CME) credits to those who qualify."

Tapes of the presentations of that EMF Medical Gathering are available for community education by EMF Canary Activists and other concerned about the push to expand EMF exposure in our neighborhoods, especially to promote the dangerous effects of 5G cell phone tower and iPhone exposure.


March 9, 2022

Also, the VERY informative 
EnvironmentalTrust.org  has extensive downloads for any EMF Canaries who wish to speak up locally in their municipalities to prevent the pushing of 5G EMF towers into their communities, especially near the most vulnerable populations,

1) elementary schools, where young children are developing their young nervous system, the part of all living beings whose nerve synapses are our electro-magnetic nerve pulses;

2) the elderly, who are less able to "physically shield themselves from EMF nerve disruptions,

3) like the "environmentally sensitive population," who most probably are also sensitive to MCS, multiple chemical sensitivity. We hope that these EMF and MCS people will have the strength to become EMF Canaries in their locales, states and with the federal government.


March 9, 2022

Through OSHA, the US federal Office of Occupational Safety and Health Administration, most American workers are protected, though some powerful corporations have been able to lobby to get laws changed which have weakened OSHA Guidelines.

The powerful US Telecom Industry had gotten some laws weakened, for there is no longer a requirement that local governments must be notified when major changes to the delivery of 5G WiFi to their neighborhoods, despite the fact that there has NO research to prove 5G radiation for WiFi is safe.

WiFi for iPhones is a form of radar, from which ALL citizens need to shield themselves.

REF: www.osha.gov

March 9, 2022

The American Medical Doctor, who has documented the "biological action" through which 5G, and other EMF radiations, including WiFi, can “harm our human physiology,” is Dr. Martin Pall, from the Oregon Medical School. Dr. Pall, still passionate about his medical findings on WiFi, offers a free medical compendium of documentation among his very informative websites. I feel Dr. Pall needs to be nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discoveries of the "harmful effects of EMF radiation exposure on ALL living systems."

EMF exposure also falls on wild animals and the environment which surrounds us every day.


Our EMF Canary Activist Group is also VERY grateful to "Dr." Cece Doucette for her extensive work educating the Public especially about Safe Technology Around the Schools for our nation’s children.

Ref I. https://jamesperloff.com/tag/cece-doucette/

March 9, 2022

CeCe Doucette, who testified extensively in her home state of Maine, as well as being a strong influence on her neighboring states of Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Each of these well-informed and wise New England states have passed legislation to "stop the building of 5G WiFi towers near elementary schools."

Cece Doucette has also testified in Michigan, who have passed laws protective of EMF radiation.

Ref: ll: https://zero5g.com/2018/important-message-from-cece-doucette-in-massachusetts/

Understanding EMF Technology has been her mission for the sake of children, especially, so she offers a myriad of EMF resources on one of her websites. Her current efforts as Director of the International Wireless education Initiative are connected to her getting the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to offer a month update on EMField Research.

I believe that “Dr.” Cece Doucette is deserving of an honorary doctorate for her extensive work to protect children, world-wide, from the invisible pollution of EMFields.

Who can help me propose her for such an honor?

One caution, James Beal offered was that European countries are much wiser about EMFields than the US of A, including Russia and China. They have been “weaponizing EMF usage” for decades.

Ref lll: https://sites.google.com/site/understandingemfs/

Ref IV: https://www.wirelesseducation.org/about-us/

March 9, 2022

We are very grateful to "Dr." Lloyd Burrell for his continued work in informing EMF Canaries, their families, friends and colleagues how to protect and “shield themselves from EMF radiation exposure.

Dr. Burrell is an inspiration to us all for he HAS been affected by EMF radiation illness, has regained his strength and is now thriving. EMF radiation illness CAN be healed, thanks to "Dr." Burrell's testimony and continued dedication to keep all EMF Canary activists informed.

Do research his generous EMF website at:

March 9, 2022

Andrew McAfee was a successful musician and conductor. Young and happy, newly married, moving into a new house, within six months Andrew and his wife were experiencing severe symptoms. ‘We would lay in bed, feeling this energy crawling over our faces.’ Every day between five and seven, they would both get headaches.

Dark circles began to appear under their eyes, they both experienced fatigue and emotional distress. Thinking it was something to do with their electricity, they called an EMF consultant who promptly discovered that they had significant wiring problems. The consequence of which was high magnetic fields, a fan that wasn’t grounded properly…they literally had 9 volts of electricity running through their bed.

The EMF issues were resolved but these exposures had created a vulnerability and sensitivity in Andrew. His body started to react to all types of electromagnetic frequencies and he could no longer use his phone. ‘When I drove past a cell phone tower I could feel the burn on my face.’ At his worst when a person would walk into a room with a cell phone he would be overcome with fatigue and feel like he needed to go down on his knees. If they stayed in the room longer than two minutes, he would sweat, start to feel irritated, and could go into a rage. ‘It felt like a nail was being driven into my head.’

Thankfully, today Andrew is 90-95% recovered. But these experiences had such an impact on Andrew that he eventually relinquished his career in music and became an EMF consultant. Andrew say’s ‘I think the greatest realization that I had after doing thousands of homes is every home is unhealthy.

A lot of people just say, “Oh, it’s a brand-new home. It’s fine.” No, they’re built as cheaply as possible and with the minimum code required, and they are unhealthy.‘ Andrew's mission is now to protect people in their homes from EMFs (contact current particularly) and save the planet from these dangers.

                           [SAVE THE DATE]

Tomorrow,  Thursday 10,  March at 12 noon EST (9 AM PT or 5 PM GMT)

For my next interview, I'm thrilled to have as my guests:

CEO of Shield Your Body, R Blank, and EMF Consultant, Andrew McAfee.

See https://www.electricsense.com/save-planet-mankind-man-made-currents/

(If the above link doesn't work copy/paste it in your browser.)

Lloyd Burrell ElectricSense Live a naturally healthy life in our electromagnetic world! EMF protection is IMPORTANT

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