Persons already hypoallergenic to many chemicals claim that electrical and EMF transients from power lines, home appliances, electrical wiring, office equipment and switches are additional irritating stress factors to avoid.

When the microwave oven was first unveiled, consumers were told to jump back after turning it on. The radiation in a microwave oven is the same as what comes off a cell tower or an iPhone. The only difference: the industry decided not to warn you anymore. A significant increase in cancer, particularly breast and brain, occurs within ¾ mile of a cell tower.

When not being used but still turned on, cell phones draw down radiofrequency waves. Men who wear cell phones on their belts can get testicular cancer.

If you can walk around talking on your phone, it is cordless – wireless — and has the same impact as a cell phone.

Worse, the base station is your own private, in-house, 24/7 cell tower. The more data transmitted, the more radiation is required.

Ergo: WiFi, which can send written data and photos, is more toxic than simple cell-phone messages.

WiMAX, which can handle movies, videos, and huge transfers of written material, is more dangerous than WiFi.

WiFi extends 300 feet from its port. When you turn it on in your house, you contaminate your neighbors. Hybrid cars infuse drivers and passengers with electromagnetic radiation.

Compact fluorescent lights can trigger migraine headaches, dizziness, and epileptic seizures.

Laboratory animals implanted with ID chips display an increase in malignant tumors, with the cancer often wrapped around the implant. This is the same device sold in pet stores to keep track of your beloved animal-people.

Radiofrequency from towers causes forest die-off, bird deaths, and cancer in farm animals. Some people can feel electromagnetic radiation – between 4% and 30%.

They get  
 - heart palpitations
 - dizziness
 - brain fog
 - visual light flashes
 - ringing in the ears

Many people don’t feel anything. And some do, but have no idea why they feel ill.

The more radiation you are exposed to, the more likely you are to develop sensitivity. Scientists are exploring a causal relationship between the proliferation of wireless technologies and global warming — which stands to reason when you think about how hot a microwave oven gets.

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